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“most bathukolpian”
bathukolpian (adjective), more bathukolpian, most bathukolpian
1.Regarding an ample bosom with a deep cleavage: The famous film star was chosen for the role in the production because of her bathukolpian, or also spelled "bathykolpian".
2. Etymology: "Big-breasted" from about 1825, from the Greek element bathykolpos; literally, "deep-bosomed" from bathys, "deep" plus kolpos, "breast".
2. Etymology: "Big-breasted" from about 1825, from the Greek element bathykolpos; literally, "deep-bosomed" from bathys, "deep" plus kolpos, "breast".
This entry is located in the following units:
batho-, bathy-
(page 2)
colpo-, colp-, kolpo-, kolp-
(page 1)